Useful contacts to other organisations

Urban Foresight
Urban Foresight is a place-based innovation consultancy working on projects to improve lives, protect the environment and deliver new economic opportunities.
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Travelknowhow Scotland
Advisory / funding
Travelknowhow is an online resource offering organisations across Scotland easy access to a wide variety of travel planning solutions all in one place.
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Transform Scotland
Transform Scotland provides an alliance across public, private and third sector organisations to promote sustainable transport, campaigning for walking, cycling and public transport to be the easiest and most affordable options for everyone.
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Tayside and Central Scotland Transport Partnership (TACTRAN)
Tactrans is the statutory body responsible for developing a Regional Transport Strategy setting out a vision for the medium to long term future of transport in Central Scotland and to oversee its implementation.
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Advisory / funding
Sustrans are custodians of the National Cycle Network; a UK-wide network of traffic-free paths connecting cities, towns, and countryside, and help communities thrive without having to use a car.
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Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT)
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) is the largest of Scotland’s seven regional transport partnerships, running the Glasgow Subway, specialist bus services and with responsibility for delivering better public transport in the area.
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South-West of Scotland Transport Partnership (SWESTRANS)
SWESTRANS is one of seven Regional Transport Partnerships in Scotland and covers an area contiguous within the boundaries of Dumfries and Galloway Council.
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South-East of Scotland Transport Partnership (SESTRAN)
The Southeast of Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran) is the statutory Regional Transport Partnership for the Southeast of Scotland encompassing eight local authorities: City of Edinburgh, Clackmannanshire, East Lothian, Falkirk, Fife, Midlothian, Scottish Borders, and West Lothian.
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Shetland Transport Partnership (ZetTrans)
ZetTrans is the statutory body responsible for the provision and maintenance of public transport services in the Shetland Islands.
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Advisory / guidance
The Interreg North Sea Region Project “SHARE-North” comprises activities for developing, implementing, promoting, and assessing car sharing, bike sharing, ride sharing and other forms of shared mobility in urban and rural areas and employment clusters.
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Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
SFHA is the membership body for housing associations and co‑operatives in Scotland, existing to represent, support and connect the membership and promote the right to live in a safe, warm, and affordable home, in a thriving community.
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The Royal Town Planning Institute is the Chartered Institute responsible for maintaining professional standards in Planning and accrediting planning courses nationally and internationally.
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Paths for All
Advisory / funding
Paths for All aim is to support people in Scotland to be active every day with walking as the easiest and most accessible way to do this.
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Planning Aid for Scotland
PAS is Scotland’s place and active citizenship charity, supporting a planning system that is inclusive, positive, and innovative, where individuals and communities help shape the future of place.
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North-East of Scotland Transport Partnership (NESTRANS)
Nestrans is the Transport Partnership for Aberdeen City and Shire responsible for developing and delivering a long-term regional transport strategy and moving forward strategic transport improvements in the area.
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Mobility and Access Committee Scotland (MACS)
The Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) is an advisory non-departmental public body appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity with a remit to consider the needs of disabled persons in transport matters and advise the Scottish Ministers accordingly.
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Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Scotland
MaaS Scotland promote rethinking mobility in a way that is smarter, faster, and greener to drive Scotland’s MaaS community to offer new and alternative ways to travel, address user needs and develop technological solutions
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Local Energy Scotland
Advisory / funding
LES manage CARES, the Scottish Government's Community and Renewable Energy Scheme giving communities, organisations and businesses advice and funding in all aspects of local, renewable energy.
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Living Streets Scotland
Living Streets Scotland promote walking as the natural choice for everyday local journeys and seek to achieve a better walking environment to inspire people to walk more.
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Home Energy Scotland
Advisory / funding
Home Energy Scotland helps people in Scotland create warmer homes, reduce energy bills, and lower their carbon footprint by working with people and organisations to help tackle fuel poverty and the climate.
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Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (HITRANS)
The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (HITRANS) is the statutory regional transport partnership covering Eilean Siar (Western Isles), Orkney, Highland, Moray and most of the Argyll and Bute area.
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Energy Saving Trust
Advisory / funding
Energy Saving Trust promotes energy efficiency and clean energy solutions, working towards a smart, decarbonised, decentralised energy system.
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Development Trust Association Scotland
The Development Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS) uses its expertise to inform, support and represent a network of local development trusts by promoting the sharing of knowledge and expertise and encouraging mutualism and co-operation.
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Community Rail
Community Rail Network supports community-based groups and partnerships that connect communities with railways and deliver social benefit.
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Architecture Design Scotland
Architecture Design Scotland promote the benefits of the Place Principle to become an everyday reality in the way Scotland’s places are created, adapted, and sustained.
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